1. Make A Decision 1. Eat right/ lose fat!
2. Workout, build muscle
1. I'm going to believe
2. I'm going to receive
2. Hit the Gym ~ AnyTime Fitness is my outside gym ~ Home Gym: Dumbbells & handgrips ~ God's Gym is the Church. ~ Home Gym, i.e., your personal devotional life
3. Develop a Routine Goal : Strength? Size? Both? Athletics? Choose the right exercises and right equipment for your goal ~ Goal - Laymen? Leader? Both? ~ Some things every Christian needs to do; other things you will be called to do because of the goal God gives you
4. Work Your Whole Body ~ Most men focus on upper body; most women on lower ~ You need to work upper & lower. ~ Don't just go to Church; study your Bible , pray, give of your time and money, share your faith. Work your whole Spirit.
5. "Shock the Muscles!" Arnold S ~ Shake up things inside your routine: exercise order; number of sets or reps; pyramids and reverse pyramids; random weight jumps, ~ Things change. At the start of SpiritBuilding, Bible Study will take up more time than prayer, but as you get to know the Bible better, you'll spend more time in prayer.
6. Correctly Use The Mirrors ~ The mirrors are to help you work on your form, not to look at women or admire yourself ~ Look at yourself with the Scriptures and Christian brothers (introspection), but don't ~ Puff yourself up or ~ Put yourself down
7. Muscle, NOT Momentum ~ Guys who rock heavy weights up and drop them down are not really working the muscle. It's normally far better to work a smaller weight with good form. ~ Don't mistake a lot of show and activity for real SpiritBuilding. God knows what's really going on.
8. Strive for Failure ~ Work to the "point of failure" ~ To become stronger, bigger, or both, you need to increase sets/reps OR increase weight ~ Christ wants you to overload your Spirit muscles by living by faith, taking up your cross daily, resisting sin to the point of blood. Jesus did not tell us to take up our remote and recliner daily.
"For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way"
1 Timothy 4:8a CSB